The Off-Season is a great time to think about Fast Skis

by David Chamberlain
Off-Season is a great time to think about Fast Skis!
Spring is a great time to ponder your ski fleet, do some ski maintenance, and consider a ski addition that has the potential of improving your next year’s Birkie time. Unpredictable weather is a new normal; it’s very rewarding to have the right ski for every snow condition. Here's a primer on how to maintain your skis with Gear West.
Ski fleet evaluation. Gear West offers a free service for anyone interested in understanding how their skis complement each other. Skiers interested in adding a new pair of skis to their quiver should review the fit, flex and grind of their existing skis and how a new ski could fit.
If the correct ski is chosen they can excel in specific conditions: cold snow, wet snow, soft snow, hard packed conditions, dry snow and more. If you are frustrated in any of these specific conditions perhaps look at your current skis to see if a new flex of ski can help. A Gear West is always available for this service.
Review your ski bases. Easily done in the off season, we can check the condition of your ski base material. After a year with little to no natural snow, bases are often badly in need of a stone grind. While evaluating ski flex, we can also see how your base structure is affecting performance. Often a small change in how fine or aggressive your base structure is can make a big difference on skis that already excel in specific conditions. Summer is a great time to make those changes. Our high performance Tazzari RP-23 cross country ski grinder can safely grind your skis every season.
Storage –Lastly give your skis a summer storage wax. Our hotbox does that nicely for skis just off the grinder. In doing so we avoid the use of a hot iron on a ski base after a fresh grind. Gear West offers a summer special, a FREE hotbox with every grind. Leaving a wax layer of wax on your skis ensure that the bases are protected from grime and scratches. A great winter will be happening in a few months… be ready!
European Ski Picks! One of the best opportunities for skiers to select exactly what they need in skis is to use our ski picking services. We are headed to Europe when the bulk of the skis arrive. If you are interested in a new ski, contact, We are headed to the major factories this summer and we love finding skis to match your unique needs. And always, full guarantee you will love them (or we find you a new one!)
Check out what Gear West can offer to refresh your current skis or get you set up with new skis!
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