Spring Thoughts on Training
I am too sore and am limping around the store. Not good for business.
I have great enthusiasm for following new strength programs and learning new fun ways to bend, dip and lunge. But! I tripped over my dog while ski-joring in January and my MCL and other soft tissue hurts with these new moves.
This past week I have had fun running wooded trails and splashing thru mud and cold water. Last night we rode 20 long miles with a cheerful set of triathletes of all different levels. I really enjoy sharing life stories and meeting athletes with unique ways of balancing work, family and sport. We caught up to a cyclist who was carrying the kitchen sink in his enormous backpack, commuting from work. Turns out I know him from buying skis, and he commutes more than 100 miles / week / year to his business which involves creating a women’s breast cancer breakthrough. So cool! I was inspired to consider biking my 8 miles to and from work but preparing a work outfit and food and the need for a non cycling escape from Long Lake to Wayzata had dampened this resolve. (Since he is a guy, most probably he just wears the same clothes day in and out).
Truly, one of the reasons we – those who push themselves in odd ways- do so, is to appreciate contrasts. The reward of feeling chilled after spring runs and bikes is pulling on a dry thick sweatshirt and wool socks. When we are extremely busy, relaxing afterwards with a book or beer is a huge treat. Warm covers and a hot bath are more keenly felt after a hard, cold workout. Thinking about fall ’19, following five months of IM training, creates a dream of free time. But right now, sitting in my office with concerning knee pain contradicts any of my theories of how to best become fit and satisfied. Perhaps next week!
- Jan Guenther
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