David's European Ski Pick Trip - Fischer and Salomon

Fischer and Salomon, Austria
I am back in the States now after the ski picking trip to Europe. The second part of the trip I made stops in Ried im Innkries, Austria at the Fischer factory and Altenmark, Austria at the Salomon factory. I had a great experience in both places and am very excited about the skis we picked this year. Below are few observations from the second part of the trip.
The Fischer race room is always inspiring, it is a serious place, and this year there was a lot of action while I was there. Norwegian and Swiss national teams were picking new skis and getting skis reground, along with Fischer race service managers from different countries around Europe. While other years I have been able to get a factory tour or spend some time talking product, this year there was no time for that with all that was going on. But clearly it was a good time for a visit as the stock was the best that I have seen while visiting the factory in Ried. I timed my visit with head of US race service Chris Hall and had the chance to work with him while picking skis. It is always good to work with him and share ideas on the new product.
There will be some changes next year to the Speedmax classic lineup and the production in the race room reflected what is coming down the line. The 812 Speedmax mold will be going away, but there will be a new 902 Speedmax ‘Cold’ ski that will be better suited for hardwax with a lower pocket from the traditional 902. Both were in the race room this year for picking and I was able to grab a few for customers and for inventory. I have some great 812 skis and was disappointed to hear that it will not be made anymore - but the look of the new 902 Cold makes me think they have a worthy replacement. For our customers still looking for the 812 we will have plenty in stock this year between this year’s picks and what we have left over from last season.
For skate skis Fischer continues to put a lot behind the 61K and that was obvious with how many of those skis were produced for the race room this year. There were bins of them and they all looked very good. I also had a chance to pick the regular Helium with the new DK construction and the new cold base Speedmax. Feedback on the new 31 cold base material has been very positive and I see the new cold ski taking off as soon as we have a cold winter here. For next season Fischer will be producing the 61K in the new DK construction – none were produced for the race room this year, but I am hopeful to get a decent pick when I head to the warehouse in New Hampshire at the end of the summer.
Always a pleasure being at the Fischer factory. Spending time there it is easy to see why the Fischer brand is as strong as it is.
For the last part of the trip I made my way south into the Alps for a visit to the Salomon factory in Altenmarkt. I had been to the Altenmarkt-Zauchensee valley before for a Continental Cup back in 2000. The valley is every bit as beautiful in the summer.
For the factory visit I met first with Burkhard Freytag and we toured the ski presses and where the skis are layed up. After the factory tour I spent time with Jean-Marc Draeyer and he showed me around the race room and we talked at length about the Salomon flex stickers, where they come from, and what metrics he uses the most to pick skis. It was a great conversation with a guy who has seen his way around the Nordic ski world. Among other things I learned that Jean-Marc is an honorary member of the Lions club in Biwabik from his time there at the 1985 World Cup.
As I mentioned in the last post, I was very fortunate to be traveling with BethAnn and Lucas for the last part of the trip. We spent the last few days in Europe staying and hiking up in Ramsau, Austria. The weather was dismal, but something about being in the Alps on misty and cold days really does it for me. We had some great hikes up to some of the rustic huts above town. And Lucas got very excited about the Euro 2024 while there.
It is nice to be home enjoying our summer here and I am also very much looking forward to getting our new skis for the winter. For anyone out there who is in need of some new equipment for next season it is a great time to give us a call.
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